IV Therapy and Injections

IV Therapy is a low risk procedure that is safely administered by our licensed medical staff. IV Therapy delivers fluids mixed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants directly into the blood stream, bypassing the digestive system. IV Therapy can be supportive to the mind and body making you look better, feel better, and perform better.

To schedule, please text one of our nurses:
Jodi (801) 230-4014  or  Caroline (801) 687-4534

Benefits of IV Therapy: May help with Immune Support, Weight Loss, Hydration, Performance, Recovery, Energy, Slowed Aging Process, Detox, Chelation, Improved Focus and Memory, and Regulation of Sleep, Mood & Appetite

Conditions IV Therapy Supports: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Aging, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Inflammation, Insomnia, Pain.

Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency May Include: Fatigue, Impaired Immune System, Lack of Motivation, Brain Fog, Depression or Anxiety, Muscle & Joint Pain, Wrinkles, Hair Loss, Premature Aging, and many more.

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