Experience the ultimate solution for vaginal rejuvenation and bladder control without the need for surgery. MorpheusV surpasses all expectations when it comes to revitalizing the pelvic floor.

As we grow older, our skin and tissues naturally lose their vitality. Similar to how facial and body skin may sag or become dry, the skin and tissue inside and outside the vagina also undergo changes that impact both sensation and functionality. Over 50% of women who seek our consultation express concerns about these vaginal changes, which significantly affect their everyday lives and sexual experiences.
Traditionally, women had limited options like hormonal replacement, kegel exercises, or gynecological surgery to address vaginal discomfort and improve overall well-being. However, the introduction of MorpheusV has revolutionized nonsurgical vaginal and feminine rejuvenation. This groundbreaking treatment tackles a range of issues, including tissue laxity, lubrication, and bladder control.
MorpheusV stands alone as the sole treatment known to enhance the “big 3” areas: urinary leakage, sexual enjoyment and responsiveness, as well as vaginal atrophy and dryness.

How MorpheusV works (to help you feel normal again)

Menopause, peri-menopause, and life-altering events like cancer or surgery at any age impact vaginal health, muscle tightness, bladder control, and even sexual desire.

MorpheusV is an advanced RF microneedling technology that targets deep skin layers to improve collagen and elastin and stimulate regrowth of new tissue. MorpheusV thickens and restores internal vaginal membrane feeling and function while simultaneously improving bladder control.

What is MorpheusV vaginal rejuvenation?

MorpheusV is a radiofrequency microneedling treatment designed specifically for vaginal rejuvenation. If “microneedling” paired with “vaginal” gave you pause, rest assured that many women in our office has had this comfortable and well-tolerated treatment. Clinical studies show (in pre and post vaginal tissue biopsies) that MorpheusV’s combination of microneedling with radiofrequency increases collagen and elastin inside the vaginal canal, around the urethra, and around the clitoris. Increased collagen and elastin have a dramatic impact on rejuvenating tissue and helping you feel normal again.

Morpheus V radio frequency wand

Curious about the effectiveness of vaginal rejuvenation?

Numerous studies indicate that 90% of women experienced significant improvements in bladder control and sexual enjoyment after undergoing 1 to 3 treatments. What’s more, their sexual partners have also noticed a tangible difference. The astounding results hold true for various conditions, whether it’s overactive bladder, stress incontinence, or chronic vaginal infections. In fact, our outcomes have been consistently remarkable.

Our devotion to MorpheusV stems from its exceptional ability to address various vaginal concerns, such as lichen sclerosis (thinning skin), alterations in odor and fluids, and chronic yeast infections. By rectifying vaginal pH and enhancing hydration of both internal and external skin and tissues, MorpheusV offers comprehensive relief. Plus, the results are long-lasting and can be maintained with just a single annual treatment.

Menopause and Vaginal Rejuvenation:

The correlation between menopause and vaginal rejuvenation is undeniable. If you’re experiencing thin and excessively dry vaginal skin due to the depletion of estrogen, rest assured that you’re not alone. Estrogen plays a vital role in every aspect of a woman’s body, and as its levels decline with age, vaginal skin becomes thinner, leading many women to silently endure issues such as irritation, chafing, painful intercourse, bladder problems, and even changes in the vulva, ranging from shrinkage to looser skin.

Childbirth also impacts the vaginal region, with women in their 20s and 30s encountering similar aesthetic and functional challenges as those experienced during menopause.

Fortunately, InMode MorpheusV offers a solution to address these concerns through its advanced RF microneedling technology. Each treatment precisely targets the deeper layers of the skin, effectively remodeling collagen and stimulating the growth of new, healthier tissue. This transformative process molds and contours aging skin, resulting in remarkable outcomes.

One of MorpheusV’s primary applications is the treatment of atrophic vaginitis, characterized by the general thinning and deterioration of vaginal membrane function due to low estrogen. Patients often describe sensations of dryness, grittiness, and frequent irritation. The unique tissue remodeling capabilities of MorpheusV provide a safe and non-hormonal solution, thickening and restoring the function of the vaginal membrane. This not only enhances comfort and pleasure during sexual activity but also alleviates daily embarrassments. Moreover, the treatment’s ability to resurface and rejuvenate the external vulvar and labia tissues improves texture, tightens skin laxity, and reduces hyperpigmentation. This comprehensive aesthetic enhancement boosts both comfort and confidence.

Say goodbye to the discomfort and frustrations associated with menopause and childbirth-related changes with MorpheusV. Experience the rejuvenation and revitalization you deserve.

Schedule on our website today under appointments and classes!